Lauren C. Howe © All rights reserved.
Prof. Dr. Lauren C. Howe
Articles written about my research
Why embracing our all-too-human sides can sometimes have benefits
Why flaws can pay: Entrepreneurs need not seem perfect in seeking investors. University of Cambridge Judge Business School, September 2022.
Why admitting your flaws may earn your start up more investment. The Times, September 2022.
How to improve remote work
What's the best plan for a radical new workday? BBC Worklife, January 2021.
How to create a home office to boost well-being and productivity. The PenBay Pilot, October 2020.
How to actually save time working remotely. The Globe and Mail, September 2020.
Why (and how to) focus on people to improve work
Parents want to be admired by their children - and therefore make an effort at work. Neue Zürcher Zeitung (in German), July 2024.
Lauren Howe: The "human side" of the future of work. HR Professional (in Greek), March 2023.
Four strategies for improving the employee experience and bringing in profits, too. Forbes, May 2022.
The case for managerial decency. The Economist, April 2022.
Meet the new Chief People Officer - Protector of Culture, Change, and now Data. Forbes, March 2022.
The best HR & People Analytics articles of March 2022. Data Driven HR Monthly, March 2022.
Happier employees - 'wants' in addition to 'musts.' University of Cambridge Judge Business School News, March 2022.
'Embrace your inner sharer': Leaders should not be afraid to talk about fears and anxieties. University of Cambridge Judge Business School, August 2021.
Cool career advice. University of Cambridge Judge Business School News, June 2021.
Building emotional resources in your business. Criteria Blog, April 2021.
When leading by example backfires
The hardest part of being a parent has nothing to do with raising kids. Quartz, December 2019.
Should experts practice what they preach? Insights by Stanford Business, December 2017.
Doctors who sport a healthy lifestyle may repel some patients. Psychology Today, November 2017.
Physicians who tout well-being may scare off patients, Stanford researcher finds. Stanford Medicine, July 2017.
It can backfire when doctors make a show of their own healthy living. The British Psychological Society Research Digest, April 2017.
Warum das Vorbild nicht zu vorbildlich sein darf [Why role models shouldn’t be too exemplary]. Süddeutsche Zeitung (in German), March 2017.
How mindsets shape patient health outcomes
White people who got placebo from white doctors felt better, study says. Vice, August 2022.
Worried about COVID vaccine side effects? Try this simple trick. Popular Science, November 2021.
What's known as 'mental reframing' can help us with all sorts of physical and psychological challenges. Washington Post, January 2020.
Portraits on COVID-19 protective gear reveal human faces providing care. Stanford Medicine, April 2020.
What's the opposite of the placebo effect? The Paper Gown, July 2020.
Great Expectations. Tradeoffs, June 2020.
Changing mindsets about allergic symptoms during oral immunotherapy. Physician's Weekly, December 2019.
The discovery of the negative placebo. NRC Handelsblad, July 2019.
Could your mindset affect how well a treatment works? NPR, March 2019.
Nice doctors really do finish first. (At least on patient outcomes.) Advisory Board, January 2019.
Changing mindsets about symptoms improves oral immunotherapy experience and outcomes. American AAAI, January 2019.
Positive mindset helps with an allergy therapy's side effects, says Stanford study. Stanford Medicine, January 2019.
Stanford study finds way to help kids manage side effects of treatment for food allergies. Stanford News, January 2019.
Nice doctors make a difference. Stanford Medicine, January 2019.
Bending time to benefit patients. Stanford Medicine, October 2018.
Does the mind impact health? A researcher's insights. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, October 2017.
How mindsets shape coping with the pain of rejection
Why do hearts ache after a breakup? Corpus Callosum, March 2021.
What does 'closure' even mean, anyways? The Science of Us, New York Magazine, February 2017.
How breakups change your personality. BBC, December 2016.
To get over a breakup, change your mindset. Psychology Today, September 2016.
To recover faster from rejection, shift your mindset. Harvard Business Review, April 2016.
Surviving a breakup? It’s all about you. The Boston Globe, January 2016.
If past breakups still hurt, it may be because of how you see yourself. The Washington Post, January 2016.
This may be why breakups are harder for some people than others. The Huffington Post, January 2016.
Your sense of self predicts how quickly you’ll get over an ex. New York Magazine, January 2016.
This is why breakups can be so brutal. Psychology Today, January 2016.
Researchers discover why some people struggle so much with rejection. The Daily Mail, January 2016.
How you handle a breakup says a lot about who you are as a person. Women's Health, January 2016.
Stanford research explains why some people have more difficulty recovering from romantic breakups. Stanford News, January 2016.
How expressions of uncertainty affect trust in and persuasion by scientists
What we don't know about climate is killing us. Bloomberg Opinion, January 2020.
Stanford research shows how uncertainty in scientific predictions can help and harm credibility. Stanford News, October 2019.
To encourage climate action, talk up the benefits of adaptation. Scientific American, October 2019.
Climate worst-case scenario may backfire in activists’ campaign: Study. The Huffington Post, March 2013.
Other media coverage of my research